What you see is the Collectors Edition Abaddon The Despoiler made by Forgeworld back in 2002 or near enough to that date.
As I’m needing the funds, he is now for sale. Please use the contact form or leave a comment.
What you see is the Collectors Edition Abaddon The Despoiler made by Forgeworld back in 2002 or near enough to that date.
As I’m needing the funds, he is now for sale. Please use the contact form or leave a comment.
How much?
I’m looking for £1200 atm. I actually had two and just sold one of them for this amount. I am open to sensible offers though.
I would like to purchase this model, can we exchange contact information? Also in US currency how much will this statue be?
Hey Mike please let me know if you’re still interested!!
Hey Mike
Under the google current exchange rate it was $1,580. So let me know if that doesn’t scare you off 🙂
jamie@hutber.com is my email so feel free to chat on there, or just use the https://warhammer.hutber.com/contact/ link, I can reply to any emails in there 🙂