Eldar 20cm Warlock

13th of Jan – a head

13th of Jan Evening – Initial Body positions

14th of Jan – Initial Body with head and cloak

At this point I had some feedback that the body was actually rather human like. Vlad has been fantastic at taking on feedback. Not only at listening to the feedback but acting on it with amazing detail. Considering his english is not the greatest, you certainly wouldn’t think with the work.

The feedback was:
* Arm needs to move up slightly to appear as if about to strike
* Chest is too large and muscly
* Arms are too strong

15th of Jan – Rework of the body to bring more in line with eldar. Looking much more slim line and eldar like.

16th of Jan – The sword. Fantastic details and still gives me a bona looking.

21 of Jan – Getting closer – The body and cloak

Seeing these pieces set my heart on fire 😀 They are stunning and Vlad has done an amazing job of listening to the details given and just making the whole thing look amazing.

I have given feedback that the chest piece should sit more flushly on the chest. So we shall see where we go with that 😀 – 23rd of Jan 2019

I kind fucked up a little bit on this one by not telling Vlad that this was to be cast… He wasn’t too impressed with this revolation once he’d declared the model finished.

So off we went to try and fix my error – 9th of Feb 2019

The message sent with this picture “Fuck, its all broken!!!”

So … then cometh the day it arrived. – 15th of Feb 2019

And now some items back from the castors – 10th April

So please leave a comment if you are interested in this model. There are only 10, so fingers crossed 🙂