I actually didn’t remember buying this model at all, at the time I was just buying to show my mate some support with his first model. Well also that combined with my being in, u know, the “buying mode”.
But now that rain storm cloud has passed and I’m completely out of that, combined with my organising and selling my entire collection i stumbled upon this little bugger!
When I saw it I thought… ahhhh not to shabby, lol nice one matt. And I knew I would paint it.
But some 3 months later I sat down and for whatever reason it just said “I am an old 80s surfer dude who refused to give up his 40’s fashion but I want to mix it in with my surfer 80s vibe… I am not sure if he’s still doing drugs and raving… but one things is for sure, he loves neo shit and… being old n that.
Anyway, here are the WIPS… until they aren’t WIPs and its finished.
Day 1
140mins of painting here, this was what I thought is a “Sketch” but I’ve been told pretty firmly its not… its just normal painted and refined.

Laying down some basecoat.

Just blocking colours in.

Second Day
My main focus here in day 2 was to try and get the colours playing well with each other and see if I could actually get purple to be highlighted
so I went with contrasting shadows… didn’t work out too well lol but its fun to play.

Day 3

Day 4
Struggling with skin here big time. Well… struggled with skin since the start of the model tbf lol

Day 5
I’ve gone rather large with the photos for day 5… oddly. I guess I wanted to see how the paint worked and if I was in the wright track.
Played with the only way I know how to build up coloured atm, cross-hatching. Fingers crossed Alfonso can teach some how when i go to his gaff on the 15th Nov 2019.

Day 6
I knew I should kept up this day by day
felling. I’m doing this after I’ve finished the model.

The Pallete

Day 7
The previous 6 days had all been one after the other, but here tina got back so things slowed down pretty quickly for me 😀 Plus working multiple jobs and motivation.

Day 8 – 10

Touches up