Selling my Collection :O

Day 1

I’m not quite sure when it hit me like a sloppy cheese cake right square in the nogg’in. But maybe 2/3 weeks ago, I was reading a facebook thread about collections and I posted a photo from a loft visit I had done that day to collect a item I’d sold. But hit me it did and i thought, jesus… I do have too much, what a twat I have been. Still didn’t wanna have to face the fact I’d have to, but right there I made my mind up. I’ll sell over £70k’s worth of warhammer, maybe 80/90% of it, no matter what!!

en it hit me like a sloppy cheese cake right square in the nogg’in. But maybe 2/3 weeks ago, I was reading a facebook thread about collections and I posted a photo from a loft visit I had done that day to collect a item I’d sold. But hit me it did and i thought, jesus… I do have too much, what a twat I have been. Still didn’t wanna have to face the fact I’d have to, but right there I made my mind up. I’ll sell over £70k’s worth of warhammer, maybe 80/90% of it, no matter what!!

Next came the, “arghh fuck now I actually have to move this shit” into the loft I went with 2 helps… good lord though that is a story in itselfs… I found them online, through a “man with a van london” website… Picked my guys, had an email 1h before the job, “sorry your driver has changed”… Its cool, they arrived shaddy as hell.. I think what really put me on edge was the first thing they did when they saw the boxes

Drivers: So how much are these worth
Me: (oh crap, don’t tell the truth) Around £5-10 a box I’d say
Drivers: (eyes light up) oohh… ok… (trying to play it cool) So where do you sell these things
Me: I’ve got a few friends from fb who will buy them, then maybe eBay…
Driver: I’ve got some friends who will buy this all! In one go, easy… just say the words
Me: Oh no.. thats ok thanks mate (confused face)
Driver: ok, no worries. Do you have everything you have on a list somewhere or anything…?
Me: jesus fucking christ
Driver: Sorry?
Me: Oh, i just hurt my finger (lol dicks)

Anyway, off we started to get some amount of warhammer moved.

The drive… I considered how likely it was that they will drive off with all my shit…. lol

They didn’t..

Then we moved it all back up into the flat ready for me to crack onto.

Day 2

Everything was here and I just started to organise

Day 3