I have a rather large collection of models and I constantly berate myself for not documenting them. I tell myself I will do them, I’ve no doubt I’ll do the same here, with this post being the only one for many moons.
I’m a bad writer, just to tell everybody that. Come here for the models, nothing else please 🙂
So here are the phtotos… The lovely lovely paint set. What I like is it has character and a guide on how to paint them. Maybe they still do, I am unsure.

Flesh Wash, Bronzed Flesh, Enchanted Blue, Skull White, Chaos Black, Snakebite Leather, Blood Red, Goblin Green, Sunburst Yellow, Mithril Silver

All the photos I could be bothered to take for memories sake 🙂 I know I will love looking back at this blog as much as I do look back at the minis!