Eldar Wave Serpent – Rouge Trader Armorcast

Finally got my hands on one of these buggers… This was the one… (one of the ones) that I looked at with utter dread. Having such open spaces on the model I really had no idea how I would tackle the model and not make it look boring, in the end I was happy with the outcome. But I was more happy that I used some tekkers that I hadn’t ever thought to try.

The Criss-cross? Is that a technique? In short, everything I have ever painted has always been blended. Put some wet paint down, grab some of the other colour from the pot while its still wet merge it. Now I mixing on the palate and then having the colours already laid down on there, so I just grab what I need and mix very small amounts on the model.

21st December – Airbrush

As mentioned, I had no idea where I was going. So I thought lets lay done some directional airbrush work.

26th December – Adding stronger gradient

I decided that the airbrush wasn’t going to work for me. I’m not sure why, but it just irked me a bit. I don’t use airbrush much so could be a factor.

27/28/29th of December – Add the Hulls reflections

Not to much to say at this phase other than this was the “new” thing for me. I found it very liberating lol Going from blending to just being able to slap any paints down where, I’d recommend it if you’ve never done it.

31st December – The fin? Gun?

30th of December to 1st Of Jan – Pattern Foundations

I initially laid down the patterns as I had with every time before with the brush and thinned out paint. No idea, but I think I read online that somebody uses pens. Great idea I thought so i settled with: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003U6LBRW
I ended up using S size. The others were far too large if I remember.
These were a complete success and being able to draw on the model without scratching the paint was perfect. Plus as they were ink I could just use my finger or paint remover to remove the lines instantly and start again.

I realised I had no idea how to draw the eldar Symbol lol So I had to sketch and man alive without doing that I’d have never got the nack to do it.

I know its odd, but I started with a straight line and soon realised you need to curve it. Bottom right wa smy final attempt before I thought “ye, I’m ready”

1-4th of January – Finishing the patterns

Kept the paint thin and just cracked on really.

Final Result

Some random bits of stuff on the finish model.