Day 1 – I’ve had the model a while… After getting a little scared with mr fek wit Asurmen I thought, ye lets do a quick win… 2 weeks later lol

Day 2 – So now we get the little bugger ready for some paint!

A snack

Day 3 – I can’t help it, start again/continue starting again/start again/then start starting again again… All with new paint each time.

Day 4 – After fekin up the base and painting over it far far too many times I settled to adding more dirt and “starting” again

Day 5 – Lol I put “Day 5” but its obviously been more than 5 days, this is just… day 5 of actually doing something on the model. Still started adding paint and really trying hard to not give a S**T about how it looks as to learn more.