Karl Kopinski – Codex Eye of Terror – Abbadon 2003 2nd March 2023 8 Hutber 40k Artwork Chaos SPace Marines Original Painting
40k Eldar Painted 3rd Edition Eldar Fire Prism Ulthwe Painting Tutorial with no guidance nothing but photos. 28th March 2016 0
Oh wow that‘s a really nice paint job! It really looks like the codex. I recently found your Internet page And I was wondering if you would sell some of your models ? Cheers
Ups I just posted the same commend 4 times sorry for that. But it told me that my messages couldn’t be sendet so I send it again a few times 😅👍🏻
lmao!!! Also I am not sure if you’re joking or not :p As this is the codex cover… I didn’t paint it, Karl did. haha
Oh ok but it still looks nice😂👍🏻
So would you sell me some of your stuff?😜
Ha hey pal. For the right price I’d sell everything 😀 What were you thinking.
I would be interested in one of the warriors of redemption boxes. If you still have one😁 and what about £350-400? And I would be interested in more sisters stuff if you have but first I would like the box. Cheers
You can contact me via Facebook ( Janus Förster) or e-Mail : jj.foerster@icloud.com so we can chat a bit better than here😄